Alan is a full time officer attached to Operational Support Division based within D Division of Police Scotland. He joined the Police in August 1998. His wife Claire is a part time teacher assisting children who are visually impaired.
Eldest daughter Maisie was born in 2010 and suffered catastrophic brain injury during birth. She now suffers from Cerebral Palsy which effects all 4 limbs. She is registered severely visually impaired, hearing impaired and uses hearing aids, suffers from seizures, is fed via feeding pump and has developing scoliosis. She requires around the clock care and cannot do anything for herself. She is wheel chair bound and all movement and handling is by hoist. Despite all her needs Maisie is very happy and has a beaming smile.
“Daily life with Maisie means that Claire and I are full time carers. We give medicines, carry out personal care and do physiotherapy with Maisie throughout the day. Hospital trips and excursions are exhausting as the right facilities to change Maisie is difficult. We sometimes have to change her in the back of the van or on a toilet floor.”
Covid lockdowns have meant that Maisie could not access the therapies that prevent the worsening of her condition. Hydrotherapy and Rebound therapy (on a trampoline) both relax Maisie and strengthen her core. This reduces her pain and most importantly she enjoys it.
The application to The Police Children’s Charity was to seek financial assistance to allow Maisie to have access to the back garden to play and eventually have Hydrotherapy and rebound therapy at home. In order to do this the Wilkie family have had to upgrade the garden so Maisie’s wheel chair could access the garden without the need to use ramps and get dirty. Artificial grass allows Maisie to play Boccia and be outside in all weathers and her wheels don’t get too dirty. We will also have a sensory area, which different plants to smell, wind chimes and lights to help Maisie’s sight and hearing.
An in ground Trampoline will also be installed so that Maisie can receive rebound therapy on a daily basis. She loves this therapy and it was so sad that Covid prevented her from receiving this for about 18 months. It removes the demanding pressures of having to travel so that Maisie can receive this vital therapy.
Maisie now has a little sister and the garden is now suitable for them to play together.
“Claire and I are both very grateful for the support provided by The Police Children’s Charity in making this possible.”