Support Allowance and/or seasonal gifts are be made by the Charity to Beneficiaries. These payments are assessed on a financial basis and a banding framework is used.
These grants may be paid to eligible Beneficiary whilst in full time education to statutory school leaving age, or up to the end of the school year in which they turn 19 years of age.
The money we receive from the Charity makes a huge difference to our lives. Amelia would not be able to have ballet or swimming lessons without these payments.
A seasonal gift will be awarded twice yearly in the summer and at Christmas, to Beneficiaries in full time education to statutory school leaving age, or up to the school year in which they turn 19 years of age. The values of the seasonal gifts will be reviewed on a three yearly basis.
The Charity also gives all Beneficiaries £150 each birthday until the age of 18.